Technology and Digitalisation


Workshop Tools

Based on the great materials published by the "CPR Plurilingüe Sagrado Corazón de Xesús" (Placeres, Pontevedra)".

Marking-out tools

Saw and cutting tools


Percussion tools


Holding tools


Painting tools


Drilling tools


Joining tools


Sanding tools


Drawing tools



Classifying tools

From the link below you can download the handout with the cards we have used in the "Classifying tools" activity.

Cards are disorganized.  You must match each type of tool card, with the card containg its definition.  Write down your answer in your notebook.  We will check this excercise next Thursday.


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50.002 - Zaragoza
Horario secretaría: 9:00 a 14:00, lunes a viernes.

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